Emma Payton Coe

Emma Payton Coe
the newest member of the Coe family

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

sin, sin, sin

anyone else experienced this?
emma and i get in the bathtub tonight (easier to bathe this way) and after i take her out first, place her in the baby bath that is lined with her towel next to the bathtub so that i can then get myself out, and what does she do.. bows up trying to slither out of the baby bath... i mean she could have slithered out and onto the tile floor, injuring herself in the process of course. this bowing action makes me shake my head and almost laugh.. i mean God must do the same thing to us.. we can't see the consequences of our actions but he can... wonder if he shakes his head and thinks silly girl..

new to blogging

Here we are, blogging away. Jerod suggested it tonight, i'm not even sure i'm doing this right. i mean will anyone read this? i have high hopes and expectations.. that i will have tons of fans (or are they followers?), say something important and meaningful, and change the world. alright, maybe not that last part. It doesn't help that i just saw Julie and Julia (great movie by the way, expecially if you are a foodie like me) well here goes.. My first 'post'